| TCode () |
| default constructor for the TCode Class
| TCode (const char *firmware) |
| constructor for the TCode class
| TCode (const char *firmware, const char *tcodeVersion) |
| constructor for the TCode class
| TCode (const char *firmware, const char *tcodeVersion, const char *filepath) |
| constructor for the TCode class
void | inputByte (const byte input) |
| function to input a byte into the input buffer
void | inputChar (const char input) |
| function to input a char into the input buffer
void | inputString (const String &input) |
| function to input a string into the input buffer
void | inputCString (const char *&input) |
| function to input a c-string into the input buffer
void | clearBuffer () |
| function to clear the input buffer
bool | registerAxis (TCodeAxis *axis) |
| function to register a TCodeAxis with the TCode class
void | axisWrite (const TCode_ChannelID &id, const int targetValue, const TCode_Axis_Extention_Type extentionValue=TCode_Axis_Extention_Type::Time, const long extMagnitude=0, const TCode_Axis_Ramp_Type rampType=TCode_Axis_Ramp_Type::Linear) |
| function to write to a specified axis
void | axisWrite (const char *name, const int targetValue, const TCode_Axis_Extention_Type extentionValue=TCode_Axis_Extention_Type::Time, const long extMagnitude=0, const TCode_Axis_Ramp_Type rampType=TCode_Axis_Ramp_Type::Linear) |
| function to write to a specified axis
int | axisRead (const TCode_ChannelID &channel_id) |
| function to read the position of a specified axis
int | axisRead (const char *name) |
| function to read the position of a specified axis
void | stop () |
| stops all axis movement at its current position (sets vibration channels to 0)
size_t | available () |
| returns current available bytes in output buffer
char | getChar () |
| returns next byte in output buffer (returns '\0' if no bytes present)
size_t | getChar (char *buffer, const size_t length) |
| returns bytes in output buffer to an external buffer
Settings * | getSettingManager () |
| gets the current instance of the settings manager
Definition at line 24 of file TCode.h.